Congratulations to our Confirmands! We celebrate with Vivian, Siena, Leah, Emma, Angelina, and Arihanna and will walk with you as you continue on your faith journey.
Here's what the confirmands have to say about their faith:
- “When you become a Christian, you take God into your heart.”
- “Being a Christian is to love everyone equally and to give grace to others even if they may not deserve it.”
- “God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit work together to make one big superhero that makes everyone and everything feel loved.”
- “Jesus is telling me to spread kindness.”
- “God reminds me every day that there are second chances in life.”
- “Jesus never gives up on me.”
- “I feel as if I can tell God anything: my worries or my problems.”
- “During times of emotional hurts I felt as if God was there with me helping me step back from something evil.”
- “Prayer is like sending God a letter.”
- “God is way more than just loyal, caring, and giving; he is everything you could think of.”
- “God is the definition of perfect.”
- “I know God will always be on our side and help us to overcome any tragedy.”
Please keep the confirmands in your prayers, asking God to continue moving in their lives, growing their faith, and guiding them to where the world needs their blessings.