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Saturday, September 7th was God’s Work Our Hands day here at Mt. Zion. There were a total of 12 volunteers and here is what they accomplished:

Thank you to Jen and Jack J. and John L. for packing lots of food boxes for Tosa Cares and the families they support.  Every box helps to feed a hungry family.

Gracias to Karen and Carl E. for creating fall-themed fruit baskets for our homebound members and including personalized notes.  And another gracias to all who delivered the baskets.

Danke to Jenny H., Lorre G. and Ann and John K. for assembling 100 personal hygiene bags for teens at Courage house MKE.  In addition to all the hygiene items, each bag contained a handwritten note of love and encouragement.  These four were busy.

Grazie to Pastor Tyler and Andrea C. for working alongside five members of Reformation Lutheran Church to start a clean-up of the pocket park across the street from Reformation.  So much trash and overgrown vegetation were removed, but so much more can be done.  Pastor Tyler and Andrea were also treated to lunch, chili dogs and chips, by our family at Reformation.  It was a joy to spend time with them.

It is always a joy to join hands and do God’s Work by showing people outside these walls that they are loved and are children of God.        

Outreach Committee