Mt Zion is privileged to host a screening of a deeply moving and laugh-out-loud funny of the documentary movie, Mission: Joy, Finding Happiness in Troubled Times. The screening will be on Sunday, February 27, starting at 5:00 pm and will be hosted by Pastor Tyler Rasmussen. The event is co-sponsored by Mt Zion and MICAH and is free and open to all.
"Join us for a warm-up discussion, and have your dinner while you watch the movie," Pastor Tyler suggested. The warm-up begins at 5:00, with the movie starting at 5:20 pm. After the movie there will be time to connect, share, and take the BIG JOY CHALLENGE. Gather your friends and family and host a watch party, or spend a quiet Sunday evening gathering virtually with everyone.
Check out the movie trailer below for a preview. The screening will featured closed captioning to make sure the dialogue is understandable, according to Pastor Tyler. The discussion may include break-out groups, so that everyone will be able to participate in the discussion if they choose.
To register to attend, click here.
If you can't watch live, email Pastor Tyler for a link to the film. The link will available only through February 28, so be sure to get your request in soon!