Today we invite you to join us in Mt Zion’s 2024 Stewardship Appeal, “Planting Faith and Growing Disciples”. Together, we journey to fulfill our ministry initiative goals: Planting Faith, Growing Disciples and Nurturing Our Soil. We believe that as Mt. Zion members, friends, and visitors, we can pull together and give generously to support this work.
Below you will find information about the Appeal in the form of a poster, a brochure, bulletin inserts, and more. Throughout the Appeal, more files will be uploaded, so be sure to come back to this page regularly. In particular, please enjoy these videos, which were shown in church during the stewardship appeal: Stewardship 2024 videos
As part of the Appeal, you will be invited to consider increasing your offering for the coming year. Please pray about this request and do your best to respond generously as the Lord leads you.
Sunday, November 5th is designated as Appeal Commitment Sunday. Those who attend worship that Sunday may present their Statements of Intent card at that time. If you are not able to be at church on Appeal Commitment Sunday, you also are welcome to mail your Statement of Intent card, drop it off at the church office, or pledge online.
People from whom we have not received a response by November 19th will be called to assure that everyone has had the opportunity to present their offering plan for 2024. Thank you for your support!
Thank you for being a part of this vibrant congregation during this exciting time. Please pray for our common work together. Your generous support to Mt Zion enables us to plant faith and grow disciples.