Mt Zion summer services will include a MONTHLY combined first and second service, outdoors, weather permitting. Dates for these services are:
June 5, July 3, August 7 and September 4 ONE SERVICE at 9:30 am
Last year during Covid, we tried different ways to hold outdoor services, and have fine-tuned the experience for a variety of weather, although if it’s too hot, or raining or miserable outside, we will be able to move indoors. The gathering will be held on the lawn on the west side of our building near the playground equipment. This area is pleasantly shaded and is right by the playground equipment. Last year we encouraged children to play quietly on this equipment, and found that it calmed any restlessness and yet they could still participate in the service. If possible, bring a chair to this service, although we will have extra chairs on hand.
We are planning a potluck lunch after these services, with Mt Zion furnishing the main dish (hamburgers and hot dogs for June 5), and asking members to bring a side dish or dessert. We want to make sure that everyone feels welcome to attend, whether or not they are able to bring food. A basket for free-will offering to cover the costs of food or supplies will be provided, but contributions are not required, nor are they expected of those who have already brought food.
At our June 5 service, we are celebrating all our members who are graduating from high school or college or other schools. Make sure to let Douglas know the details and send him a photo of your graduate by May 29. See our website or Grace Notes to find our more about our combined services in July, August and September.
Worship will continue as usual for balance of our summer schedule, however the second service will begin at 10:15, just for the summer.
The dates for these Sundays are:
Start your week with worship in our air-conditioned sanctuary at your favorite summer worship time!