“God’s Good News for You” is the center of our faith.
God’s grace is freely given. We do not need to prove anything to be loved.
EVERYONE is made in God’s image, worthy of life and love.
We all fail, but God forgives. It is safe to let God see our flaws and brokenness.
Jesus Christ renews our hearts and shapes us into compassionate people.
We are called to care for and serve neighbors in need.
Jesus shows up in this world – in worship, in strangers, in the person who gives and receives love.
The ELCA is one of the largest Christian denominations in the United States, with more than 3 million members in about 9,000 worshiping communities across the 50 states and in the Caribbean region. Known as the church of "God's work. Our hands." the ELCA emphasizes the saving grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, unity among Christians and service in the world. The ELCA's roots are in the writings of the German church reformer Martin Luther.