We believe we are called in Genesis to care for God's creation.  You can read more about the ELCA's social statement on creation care here.  At Mt Zion this takes the form of several projects designed to reduce our carbon footprint and improve the world around us.

Solar Energy

In 2024 we constructed a 40 kW array of solar panels on the flat roof of our Education Wing.  It is designed to supply about one-third of our electricity over the course of a year, reducing our dependency on fossil fuel-based electricity and reducing our electricity bills.

More info:  Solar Edge monitoring website

Pollinator & Vegetable Gardens

Our pollinator garden beautifies our west lawn while also providing a variety of native wildflowers that are excellent food sources for bees and butterflies.

Our vegetable garden nearby gives these pollinators more opportunities to find food, and in turn they pollinate our corn, beans, potatoes, and tomatoes, which we donate to the clients of our Tosa Cares food pantry.